"ONE of a kind": new drop out now!

From today the new drop of Come Closet is online, shot on March 26 at the Cinema Teatro Delfino in Milan.

For this drop, given the affinity with the theatrical world, I started from "One, no one and one hundred thousand", the literary work by Luigi Pirandello published in 1926, where the author deals with the recurring themes of masks and the fragmentation of the individual .

What amazed me rereading the book years later (no, I won't tell you how many years have passed since the end of high school!) was its modernity: who has never stopped for a moment to think "who  am I, really? What do others see when they look at me and how, instead, do I see myself?".

Each of us is a hundred thousand different people, if we consider the perspective of those who look at us from the outside. We often take the form of what people would like us to be, of the expectations society places on us; we seek approval from the outside for things that don't really interest us, but that we believe we want because someone else has convinced us that our life should be this way.

But if we are a hundred thousand different people based on the point of view of those who look at us, isn't this equivalent to being nobody, thus losing sight of our "one", what we think and feel we are deep down?

If how others see us does not match with the vision we have of ourselves, "UNO of a kind" is then an exhortation to take our ONE back and to follow what we feel belongs to us, to remain faithful to the way of being we choose for ourselves, so precious and unique, in the same way of a garment from the Come Closet selection that becomes part of your wardrobe!

Enjoy these 30 new items , selected with the intention of enhancing your uniqueness!

Big love,
